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Be Ready for disasters with preparedness supplies from
the Red Cross.
In-stock: first aid kits, cpr masks, the popular “Glow Stick” emergency light ($5), and more!
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Red Cross store!

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Free Blood Pressure Checks
The Henderson County Chapter of the American Red Cross offers free blood pressure checks in our office every Wednesday morning from 8:45am – 12pm. Our volunteer nurses will take time to sit down with you and make sure you understand what they are doing, as well as to discuss healthy lifestyle suggestions. We will also provide a card to record your blood pressure readings on so that you can track your readings over time.
You can also visit Red Cross nurse, Michie Rogers, RN, at the WalMart pharmacy between 10am and 12:30pm on the second Friday of each month. Partnering with Wal-Mart, we are proud to offer these free blood pressure clinics to you!
Your health is important and perhaps the most important part of caring for your health is the preventive portion. Eating balanced meals, exercising, and paying attention to “what your body is telling you”. Monitoring your blood pressure is one way of listening to your body.
You may also want to consider our blood screening and urinalysis program (see Low-Cost Blood Work) for more in-depth health monitoring.
Read more family health information in our Family Health & Safety Guide (presented by Clorox, a partner of the American Red Cross "Dedicated to Healthier World".)
(Please understand, that the American Red Cross is not a medical facility and we do not have physicians on site. We offer blood screening labs and blood pressure clinics as a community service. We recommend that you always share your test results with your doctor and discuss any health concerns you have with your medical and health-care professionals)